ENFSI-OOS 2024: Visualising the Future - Hosting Success

Photo of Dundee Tay Road Bridge

ENFSI-OOS 2024: Visualising the Future was hosted at the Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland,  from 16 -17 May 2024. 

The conference attracted 77 delegates from various countries, including the UK, Sweden, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Australia, Norway, Germany, France, Belgium, Malta, Denmark, Montenegro, Finland, Ireland and Slovenia.  The diverse representation of national and international locations made the conference a global success.

We were able to demonstrate that Dundee is a fantastic destination for conferences, offering a well-rounded and impressive conference experience for delegates from all over the world.  Feedback from the delegates has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the warm Scottish welcome they received, the city's overall friendliness, and its inviting atmosphere.

The success of ENFSI-OOS 2024 is a testament to the region's ability to punch above its weight and continue to host international business events.

Welcoming 77 delegates from 18 countries to attend the two-day conference, contributing over *£85,162 in Direct Economic Benefit (DEB) and £33,383 in Gross Value Added (GVA).

*This figure has been calculated using the Direct Expenditure Benefit (DEB) rates recognised by the Scottish Government and used by all cities, destinations, and industries across Scotland. 

The case study was developed in consultation with the conference working group, with support from the Dundee City Region Convention Bureau (DCRCB):

  • Prof Niamh Nic Daeid | Director, Leverhulme Research Centre, University of Dundee, ENFSI (European Network for Forensic Science Institutes) Fire and Explosion Investigation Working Group and AI (Artificial Intelligence) Task Force 
  • Eva Ljungkvist | Fire Protection Engineer/Fire Investigator/Forensic Specialist, ENFSI Fire and Explosion Investigation Working Group (chair) (Oceanus AB Sweden) 
  • Aino Myyrä | Forensic Engineer and Technical Manager, ENFSI Digital Imaging Working Group (NBI Finland) 
  • Ruth Buckley | Forensic Consultant Crime Scene Examination, ENFSI Scene of Crime Working Group (Mets UK) 

Visit: ENFSI OOS 2024 : Visualising the Future | Dundee City Region Convention Bureau (meetdundeecityregion.co.uk)

ENFSI-OOS 2024: Visualising the Future

ENFSI-OOS 2024: Visualising the Future was hosted at the Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, from  16 – 17 May 2024.